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Comparison of district heating prices

The price of district heat in Oulu is clearly cheaper than in other large cities in all forms of housing. Compared with the average price, a person living in a large apartment building in Oulu saves 113 euros annually in heating costs, a person living in a terraced house 194 euros, and a person living in a detached house 179 euros.

Total price of district heating, incl. energy and power fee

Oulun Energia district heating


Average for the 13 largest cities

  EUR/MWh EUR / month / apartment EUR/MWh EUR / month / apartment
Detached house, 18 MWh/year 79.66 119.49 89.58 134.37
Terraced house/apartment building of 15 apartments, 150 MWh/year 63.98 53.32 83.42 69.52
Apartment building of 80 apartments, 600 MWh / year 62.25 38.91 77.33 48.33

Statistics by Finnish Energy (published on 1 July 2019) are based on typical customers and include the thirteen largest cities in Finland.

Total prices of district heating 2019

Source: District heating price statistics by Finnish Energy