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Electricity contracts from Oomi

Oomi Energia is an electricity sales company that started operations on 1 April 2020 and currently manages the electricity sales of Oulun Energia and ten other shareholder companies. In addition, the company also offers solar electricity and electronic transport services.

Oomi Energia was founded by Lahti Energia, Oulun Seudun Sähkö, Pori Energia, Vantaan Energia, Oulun Sähkönmyynti Oy and its shareholders: Oulun Energia, Tornion Energia, Haukiputaan sähköosuuskunta, Raahen Energia, Rantakairan Sähkö and Tenergia.

Electricity contracts from Oomi

Electricity for businesses

The invoicer is now Oomi Oy

For invoices sent by Oomi Energia, the recipient of the payment is Oomi Oy. Read more about invoicing on Oomi's website

Services improve but remain local

The services offered by Oomi include retail sales of electricity, solar energy, and electrical transport services, as well as other products and services that make customers’ everyday lives easier. For customers, the change signifies improved services and competitive electricity prices.

Customers do not need to take action

All customers of Oulun Sähkömyynti will be automatically transferred to the new company. Electricity sales contracts will continue in force with the new company.

Oomi Energia's website

Oomi Energia's website can be found at oomi.fi/en.