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Frequently asked questions

We’ve put together answers to frequently asked questions that may be helpful to you. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, you can submit your question using the contact form, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.


When does the Energy Authority investigate whether the pricing of the network service is reasonable?

The Energy Authority examined the reasonableness of pricing for 2024–2027 in 2028.

Then, the Agency issued a probation decision to each electricity network company requiring any possible overcharge to be refunded to customers over the following four-year period in network service charges.

If the amount of the overcharge over a four-year period exceeded the reasonable profit by at least 5%, interest was added to the overcharge and credited to the customers. According to the legislation, after two surplus periods of four years, the Energy Authority can initiate a fine procedure and propose a penalty fee to the Market Court. Similarly, a deficit (underpriced) electricity network company may raise the price of the network service by an equivalent amount in the next monitoring period.
