Oulun Energia logo

Young people's joy at scoring a goal.
Young people's joy at scoring a goal.

Sponsorship and support application

The Oulun Energia Group is involved in many kinds of day-to-day life in the Oulu region. Our sponsorship action is divided into four categories and we annually support 1) child and youth work, 2) various cultural and sporting events, 3) donate to charity, and 4) we enter into key partnerships.

We act in accordance with our values and ethical guidelines for the sponsorships and donations. The values of the applicant must also be in line with the values of Oulun Energia.

  • Together – We can offer children and young people those experiences that are greater than life and feelings of success that will continue to carry them as adults.
  • Responsibly – By acting responsibly, we are strengthening regional vitality and fostering the rich culture of our region.
  • Enthusiastically – We have a common enthusiasm and passion to build a future that future generations can be proud of.

We hope that our partners promote equality in their operations and act responsibly, fairly, and transparently. We do not support political entities and do not participate in telephone or other chain campaigns. We are committed to promoting a carbon-neutral future, which is why we do not sponsor motor racing.

Four soccer players, two standing and two sitting in the stands. The goalkeeper sits in the foreground and the others are in the background.

Children and young people

We want to invest in future generations by supporting children’s and young people’s hobbies in terms of exercise and culture.

Read more and submit an application
The audience at the festivals celebrates happily. Friends, a young couple and a mother with her small child are having fun.


We want to strengthen regional vitality by participating in local cultural and sporting events.

Read more and submit an application
Grandfather and child are in a sunny, summer forest. The girl is holding a cone.

Charity and donations

We want to take care of people and the environment.

Read more and submit an application

Key partnerships

We want to take social responsibility by taking care of our partners.

Learn more and send an application

Submitting and processing the application for sponsorship and aid

You can apply for sponsorship by reading about the selection criteria. The application can be found in connection with the selection criteria for each category.

The applications are processed four times a year, after which we will inform the contact person listed in the application of the decision. Please note that applications are only accepted through the online form intended for this purpose.

We only sign one contract with the same partner in a year. There are a limited number of sponsorships each year. The sponsorship decisions are always made on a case-by-case basis.

A person working for the Oulun Energia Group or belonging to the same household as someone in the Oulun Energia Group cannot submit a sponsorship application.