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Key partnerships

Our key partnerships are centred on local cultural and sports operators. A key partnership is compensated activity, requiring partners to be actively engaged and actively contribute innovative content.


Criteria and principles:

  • We only sponsor clubs/teams from Oulu that play in the top division.
  • We also sponsor large local clubs with a large number of members, through which the support goes to both adults and children.
  • We emphasise nationally influential sports that are of interest to broad target groups. 
  • Cultural events must be regionally significant both in terms of visibility and number of visitors.
  • The visibility provided by the partner must be measurable.
  • The key partner must either be a club or a registered event/cultural operator. We do not give support to individuals.

Applications are processed four times a year, after which we will notify the contact person of the decision. Please note that the financial support is not granted automatically; each applications is carefully evaluated based on established criteria and the current budget.

Fill out a sponsorship and financial support application

Information on the applicant

Application details

Additional information on the application

In case of sport event, do you agree to abide by the Anti-Doping Code and the Fair Play principles?
Do you agree to abide by the Anti-Doping Code and the Fair Play principles?