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An electric tower pictured from below, sky as a background.
A piece of electricity tower, sky as a background.

Alterations to your electricity contract

Real-estate sales, increases in the use of electricity, or the termination of electricity use altogether necessitate alterations to the electricity contract. Our technical support will help you with any alterations to the electricity contract.

Changes of ownership

In real-estate sales, it is important to keep in mind that the electricity contract is movable property and does not automatically transfer to the new owner. The transfer of the contract is therefore always worth mentioning in the deed of sale. Without a valid written explanation, we cannot transfer the connection contract. In this case, the buyer may have to enter into a new connection contract and pay a connection fee in accordance with the price list.

Please provide us the with transfer document, which can be a separate transfer document, a copy of the deed of sale or share certificate, or an extract from the estate inventory deed stating that the property will be transferred to a new owner. Notify us about the change of ownership as soon as possible after it has taken place, so that the connection and contract can be transferred to the new owner.

The following should be mentioned in the deed of sale: "With this deed of sale, the sellers transfer their rights under the electricity connection contract with Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy to the buyers without any compensation. The sellers declare that they have paid all payments due for the period for which the contract has been in their name. The buyers promise to notify Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy of the transfer of the connection contract."

Where the sale concerns an entire housing company or a property company, where a company is sold to a new owner, the name of the electricity connection will remain the same. The invoicing address will be changed to the new owner and the seller will be invoiced. In the case of the sale of a single dwelling, the connection contract does not need to be altered, as the contract is in the name of the housing company.

Send the transfer document to us by email tekninenneuvonta@oulunenergia.fi or by mail to: Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy, Tekninen neuvonta, PL 116, 90101 OULU.

Changing the main fuse size

As electricity consumption increases, you may need a more powerful connection. For example, if the main fuse blows repeatedly, the fuse size of your electricity connection is likely to be too small or the load is unevenly distributed over the fuses. Contact your electrical contractor to determine the total load on the connection and the possible need to increase the main fuse size of the connection.

We charge an additional connection fee for the replacement of the main fuse with a larger one, which is the difference between the connection fees for the current and the new main fuse size for the connections listed in the zone price list. Outside of zone pricing, the additional connection fee is determined on a case-by-case basis. Increasing the main fuse size may require a replacement of the connection cable or the switchboard. For more information, contact our technical support.

If your electricity consumption has decreased significantly, you can also reduce the fuse size. If the main fuses are located in the distribution network operator's distribution cabinet, transformer substation, or pole, we will charge a fee for the reduction in accordance with the price list. If the main fuses are located on the switchboard, the reduction will be carried out by your electrical contractor. Changing the main fuse size must always be agreed upon with our technical support in advance. Change the main fuse size here.

Three-phase connection

If you would like to change your connection from a one-phase connection to a three-phase connection (3 x 25 A), we will charge you half of the connection fee specified in the zone price list. In areas outside the zones, the additional connection fee is determined on a case-by-case basis. Switch to a three-phase connection here.

Changes to the connection cable or the switchboard

Sometimes construction/renovation makes it necessary to move the connection cable on the property or to replace the switchboard. Contact us to cut off the voltage and move the meter from the old switchboard to the new one. When the switchboard is replaced, the main fuses of the connection are moved to the switchboard if they are currently located on a pole or in a distribution cabinet. The electrical contractor must provide us with schematics of the transformer substation and the switchboard showing the change in the connection cable on the property and including the details of the new switchboard.

Your electrical contractor carries out the changes to the connection cable and the switchboard on the property. You may authorise your electrical contractor to order the changes to the connection cable and the switchboard using the general information form. A connection and metering fee will be charged for the procedure in accordance with the online service charges list.

Additional metering

If the connection has more than one electricity metering point that measures the electricity consumption of different apartments or business premises, you can order an additional metering, for example, because the business premises are divided into two.

Adding a meter to a single-meter connection usually requires larger changes to the switchboard/metering board than to a board with more than one meter already in place. In this case, it is often necessary to replace the switchboard or build a separate metering board as an extension of the current switchboard. Contact your electrical contractor or designer.

The electrical contractor will make the switchboard/metering board ready for the new meter. You can authorise the electrical contractor to order the meter using the general information form.

The electricity user must sign an electricity sale contract with the electricity provider of their choice before the supply of electricity can be started. The electricity provider will forward the information to us. At the same time, an electricity network contract with us is automatically created.

Removing a meter from a metering board with multiple meters

Your electricity contractor may change the property’s electricity distribution in situations where, for example, two apartments are combined in such a way that only one electricity meter is necessary. Our meter installer will remove the meter front fuses if the electrical contractor has not done so and remove the meter from the site. Upon removal of the meter, the electricity sales and online service contract will automatically expire and you will receive a final invoice.

Contact our technical support to order the removal of an extra meter. To make sure we remove the correct meter, please inform us of the meter number or metering point ID or the apartment with the extra meter.

Maintenance contract

If there is no need for electricity on the property, the electricity contract should converted to a maintenance contract, in which case we will cut off the electricity supply and remove the electricity meter. The connection is kept ready for reconnection and the connection contract will remain in force.

Maintenance fees are listed in our electricity connection price list. The disconnection of the connection is free of charge. For reconnection, we charge a connection fee in accordance with the online services price list. Transfer your contract to a maintenance contract here.

Contract termination

If the property no longer uses electricity and there will be no need for electricity at a later time, you can terminate the electricity contract. If you wish to have electricity at the site at a later time, we will charge you a connection fee for the electricity connection according to the connection price list. Upon termination of the contract, we will return any refundable part of the connection contract with the termination costs deducted. Terminate your contract here.