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A smiling woman is scrolling through her phone, which she is holding in her hands.

Service charges

The price list is valid from Septemper 1, 2024.

The price list includes

Service charges

Fees for activating and deactivating electricity due to late payment

Electricity activation fee at the start of the network agreement

Replacement of a network service product

Replacing the main fuse

Activation fees

Metering fees

Installer's hourly rate (e.g., street and traffic lights, electricity, telecommunications and distribution networks, mapping, and cable display)

Charge for vehicles and transport (driver at a separate hourly rate)

Other charges (such as materials, extra fees, external services, etc.)

Service charges include 25.5% VAT.

Price (VAT 0%) Price (VAT 25.5%)
Document fee
Review, certificate, extra payment.
EUR 12.10 EUR 15.1855
Copies, prints EUR 8.06 EUR 10.1153
Usage report EUR 20.16/location EUR 25.30/location
Sending consumption history information of the location of use via EDI messages EUR 40.00/location of use
EUR 50,20 /location of use
Fee collection visit to the customer EUR 64.52 EUR 80.97
Late fee, payment reminder, deactivation warning
Interest on late payments is charged in accordance with the interest on late payments as defined by the Bank of Finland.
EUR 5.00  
Refund of excess payment EUR 8.06 EUR 11.1153
For services not included in the price list,
the amount corresponding to the work time used shall
be charged hourly.
EUR 88.71/h EUR 111.33105/h

Fees for activating and deactivating electricity due to late payment

Product VAT 0% VAT 25.5%
Activation during working hours, next business day EUR 40.32 EUR 50.6016
Deactivation during working hours, next business day EUR 40.32 EUR 50.6016
Activation as a separate order, same working day or outside office hours EUR 64.52 EUR 80.9726

A deactivation requested by the electricity provider is subject to VAT, as is a deactivation requested by the customer. The deactivation fee is tax-free for the customer when the deactivation is made due to non-payment to the network company.

Electricity activation fee at the start of the network agreement

Product VAT 0% VAT 25.5%
Activation by 2 p.m. on the same business day EUR 0.00 EUR 0.00
Activation after 2 p.m. on the same business day or after office hours EUR 64.52 EUR 80.9726

The energy supply begins when the customer has a valid contract. When the customer moves away from the location of use, the electricity supply is deactivated.

Replacement of a network service product

Product VAT 0% VAT 25.5%
Replacement when less than 12 months have elapsed since the last replacement EUR 16.13 EUR 20.24315
Replacement when at least 12 months have elapsed since the last replacement EUR 0.00 EUR 0.00


Price for replacing the main fuse

If the fuses are located in the customer's switchboard, we will charge a fee according to the price list for the replacement of the main fuse. If the fuses are on Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy's network, on a pole or in a street distribution cabinet, and this is the first main fuse to blow in the last 12 months, the replacement is free of charge.

Prices include 25.5% VAT.

Product Price (VAT 24%)
First main fuse replacement in a 12-month period EUR 0.00


Product Price (VAT 25.5%)
Repeated 25-63 A main fuse replacement  
Weekdays from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. EUR 124.49
At other times EUR 165.98


Product Price (VAT 25.5%)
Repeated replacement of a main fuse over 63 A  
Weekdays from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. EUR 164.00
At other times EUR 232.00

Activation fees

We will charge a fee according to the price list for the activation of construction site connections. The activation of fixed lines is included in the connection fee. The delivery time of the activations is in accordance with the connection contract. We will charge an additional fee according to the price list for an accelerated activation.

Prices include 25.5% VAT. Metering fees will be charged separately, if necessary.

Activation fees for a construction site and other temporary distribution boards, connection to an existing part of the network (e.g., cable end, distribution board, substation, pole), including installation and dismantling

Product Price (VAT 25.5%)
25 A EUR 202.42
63 A EUR 303.63
125 A EUR 556.65
160-250 A EUR 759.07
315-630 A EUR 971.61

Temporary medium-voltage connection to an existing part of the network, including up to 10 m of cabling, terminals, connection to the network, and dismantling. Connection power according to network capacity, transformer.

Product Price (VAT 25.5%)
Power according to network capacity, transformer EUR 12,145.16


Activating or moving the connection cable with the main fuse size unchanged, including activations and creating an extension

Product Price (VAT 25.5%)
Connection 25-35 A EUR 202.42
Connection 50-63 A EUR 303.63
Connection 80-125 A EUR 556.65
Connection 160-250 A EUR 759.07
Connection 315-630 A
EUR 971.61

For example, moving the electricity switchboard or connection cable on a property, with the main fuse size unchanged. The price includes the activation and creating an extension. Metering fees will be charged separately, if necessary.

Decreasing the connection

Product Price (VAT 25.5%)
Main fuse in the switchboard
The work is carried out by the customer's electrical contractor
EUR 0.00

Main fuse as a part of the network of the network company, e.g., in the distribution cabinet. The connection contract remains unchanged.

Product Price (VAT 25.5%)
Connection 25-63 A EUR 124.49
Connection 80-630 A EUR 166.98

Activation of the medium-voltage network

Product Price (VAT 25.5%)
Activation plan EUR 100.20
Customer order of the activation of the medium-voltage network
EUR 81/h

Other charges

Product Price (VAT 25.5%)
Unnecessary visit EUR 125.50

Metering fees


Product Price (VAT 25.5%)
Direct metering, up to 3 x 63 A EUR 0.00
Power metering EUR 0.00

Other metering work

Price (VAT 25.5%)
Meter transfer in connection with connection work, when changing the metering board
Up to two meters transferred per visit
EUR 94.13/visit
Unnecessary meter change or inspection
Change or inspection of a 1- or 3-phase meter at the request of an electricity user that has been found to be unnecessary
EUR 177.12
Other changes to meters at the location of use EUR 94.13/h
Arranging energy impulse information for the electricity customer
Exchanges of measuring devices or changes to metering arrangements are not included in the fee
EUR 0.00

Remote metering

Product Price (VAT 25.5%)
Establishment fee for the remote metering of an electricity connection EUR 125.50
Deployment of the remote metering for a location of use EUR 31.38
Other work related to remote metering EUR 106.27/h

Installer's hourly rate (e.g., street and traffic lights, electricity, telecommunications and distribution networks, mapping, and cable display)

Product VAT 0% VAT 25.5%
Normal EUR 70.90 EUR 88.98
Overtime 50% EUR 96.96 EUR 121.68
Overtime 100% EUR 120.96 EUR 151.80
Overtime 200% EUR 170.96 EUR 214.55


Charge for vehicles and transport (driver at a separate hourly rate)

VAT 0%
VAT 25.5%
EUR 0.97
EUR 1.22
Truck EUR 3.50 EUR 4.39
Bucket truck EUR 53.50 EUR 67.14
Snowmobile/quad bike EUR 45.00 EUR 56.48

Other charges (such as materials, extra fees, external services, etc.)

External services according to the actual costs plus 12% handling costs.

Other expenses according to the actual costs plus 25% handling costs.