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District heating additional services

We offer additional services for district heating to all our customers. The additional services facilitate the energy-efficient use of heating throughout the whole life cycle of the heating system. In addition, we offer heating substations for renovation sites as a Turnkey Service.

If you are already a district heating customer, our Heating Guarantee and health inspection are additional district heating services just for you. Learn about the services below!

Additional services for district heating sites

A red-haired woman is sitting on a couch with a blanket and holding a cup in her hands.

Heating Guarantee

When you sign a Heating Guarantee contract with us, we ensure the energy-efficient and reliable operation of the district heating equipment in all situations on your behalf .

Heating Guarantee
Oulun Energia's HVAC engineer Sami Karjalainen doing a district heating condition check.

Health inspection

Does your property have district heating equipment that is older than 15 years? Or are you buying or selling a property that is heated by district heating? In both cases, it is recommended to carry out a health inspection for the equipment.

Health inspection

Our additional services for renovation and new construction sites

If you are building a new or renovating your old district heating heating system, the heating substation as a Turnkey Service is the right service for you.

Heating substation

Are you purchasing a heating substation for a new building, replacing an old heating substation, or changing your house’s form of heating to district heating? The easiest way to do this is with our Turnkey Service.

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Heating substation

Minna and Pasi Alajoki are sitting on a gray sofa. In front of them sits the family's black and white dog.

Read a customer testimonial

The Alajoki family renovated their electrically-heated detached house for district heating using the Turnkey Service.

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Oulun Energia's HVAC engineer Sami Karjalainen doing a district heating condition check.

Open district heating

Customers can direct the surplus heat generated from their operations to our open district heating network and receive revenue from the energy sold.

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A person is holding a tablet, where animated pillars are coming out.

The OE360 service

The energy management and sustainability reporting service OE360 helps in monitoring and optimising the energy consumption of properties.

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A man is sitting and going through his laptop.

Valve – a district heating solution for businesses

Valve is a smart district heating solution for companies that helps to improve energy efficiency in large housing cooperatives and properties. 

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