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Sami Karjalainen, HVAC engineer of Oulu Energia's heating services, doing a district heating condition check.
Oulun Energia's HVAC engineer Sami Karjalainen doing a condition check of the district heating at the customer's place.

District heating inspection

Does your property have district heating equipment that is over 15 years old? Or are you buying or selling a property that uses district heating? Having an inspection done of the equipment is recommended in both of these cases.

The inspection of district heating equipment improves the safety and reliability of the heating. The inspection takes approximately two hours and helps to identify possible maintenance needs. At the same time, we will also ensure that the heating continues to work in an energy-efficient manner.

The condition of the equipment will also affect the cost of using it. For example, improving the cooling of district heating water will directly affect the contracted water flow of your property, which, in turn, has an impact on the fixed fee.

We recommend an inspection to be carried out if the equipment is at least 15 years old and when a property is sold. Inspections also allow the buyer to ensure that the heating equipment of the property is in order.

An inspection contains

  • Leakage tests for heat exchangers, in which we ensure the equipment has no internal or external leaks
  • Review and inspection of heating substation controls, water circulation pumps, temperature sensors, and gauges
  • Review of the heat exchanger operating temperatures and cooling of district heating water
  • User guidance
  • An inspection summary, which includes the heating substation set values and measurement results

As an additional service, we can provide a written report detailing the condition and faults of the equipment.

Price list


Price (VAT 25.5%)

For housing companies and commercial real estate
Includes an inspection summary and up to three exchangers
EUR 313.80
For households
Includes an inspection summary
EUR 126.50
Inspection summary
As an additional service
EUR 111.30
Leakage test for heat exchangers
Ordered separately. Included in the inspection.
EUR 111.30


Contact Heating Services:

 Relax in the light of the evening sun.

Heating services

+358 8 577 5110
Implementation of district heating and final review.

Deployment and final inspections of district heating and heating plans

+358 8 887 0101