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The feet of a running toddler on a tiled floor.
The feet of a running toddler on a tiled floor.

District heating energy and fixed fees

The total price of the district heating consists of a fixed fee (EUR/year) based on the contracted water flow, an energy fee (EUR/MWh), and taxes (VAT 25.5%).

Connecting to district heating is subject to a separate connection fee, which you can examine on the District heating connection fee page.

The price list includes

Energy fees

Most common district heating fixed fees

Most common district heating prices in total

Formulas used for calculating the fixed fee

Basic information

Energy fees


Price (VAT 25.5%)

Energy fee as of Janyary 1, 2024 EUR 73,07/MWh

Most common district heating fixed fees


Price (VAT 25.5%)

Detached house EUR 514.87/year
Terraced house, small apartment building EUR 1,679.00/year
Large apartment building EUR 5,559.36/year

Most common district heating prices in total


Price (VAT 25.5%)

Detached house EUR 102.56/MWh
Terraced house, small apartment building EUR 85.15/MWh
Large apartment building EUR 83.21/MWh

The contracted water flow refers to the maximum flow of district heating water reserved for the customer when the ambient temperature is –32°C. For example, for detached houses, the most common contractual water flow is less than 0.2 m³/h.

Formulas used for calculating the fixed fee

On this page you will find the formulas for calculating the fixed fee, as well as the basic information for the most common fixed fees and total prices. 

Contracted water flow

Formulas for calculating the fixed fee

Detached house, contracted water flow (V) 0–0.2 EUR 514.87/year
Terraced house, small apartment building, contracted water flow (V) 0.21–5.0 (2.973 x (EUR 34 + EUR 520 x V) x 1.255)
Large apartment buildings/properties, contracted water flow (V) over 5  (2.973 x (EUR 1134 + EUR 300 x V) x 1.255)

Basic information

The most common fixed fees and total prices presented in the district heating price list are based on data on the following typical residential buildings built in the 2000s.

Example apartment

Calculated power requirement per hour

Water flow

Annual energy

Guideline cubic volume of building

Detached house 10 kW 0.15 m3/h 18 MWh 600 m3
Terraced house, small apartment building 70 kW 0.8 m3/h 150 MWh 5,000 m3
Large apartment building 230 kW 2.8 m3/h 600 MWh 20,000 m3