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Oulun Energia dispatches aid package to Ukraine

13.04.2022 / Last updated 08.02.2023 14:24

Oulun Energia is sending EUR 60,000 in an aid package of supplies intended to service, repair and maintain critical infrastructure in crisis areas in Ukraine. The entire package of aid was put together with suppliers and contains supplies worth more than EUR 100,000.

The package of aid is important since the damage to the infrastructure of cities attacked in Ukraine is widely affecting energy availability and hampering rescue efforts. The damaged network needs extensive maintenance and repair to ensure a supply of heat and energy to people in the area.

Almost as soon as the war broke out, Oulun Energia considered how to effectively support Ukraine and its people. Since our values include caring for people and bearing social responsibility, there was a strong desire to help across the company.

“A few weeks ago, we received a request for humanitarian and technical aid from Kyivteploenergo, an energy company in Kyiv. We wanted to seize the opportunity to help and started to explore various possibilities to make a donation,” says Kimmo Alatulkkila, Director, Heat Services and Maintenance at Oulun Energia.

“As energy experts, we soon realised that the best way we could help would be to make use of our expertise in maintaining and servicing of critical infrastructure. Working with TOOLS Oulu, we looked at where we could find the equipment needed and our experts helped to put together 10 crates of comprehensive aid,” says Mikko Heikkinen, Procurement Manager at Oulun Energia.

Each crate contains among other things a generator, stick welding machine, angle grinder, hammer drill, hack saw, a wide range of district heating fitter’s tools, equipment for clearance work, lighting and radio phones. Oulu Energia’s heat services maintenance employees planned the crate contents.

The contents of one aid package. 

”We started by thinking what tools we ourselves would need in similar district heat sites, with the difference that in Ukraine there would be no electricity available, for example. Using the supplies we chose, fitters would be able to work on their own in challenging circumstances,” says Janne Kantola, Heat Services Maintenance Supervisor at Oulun Energia.

The crates of aid will leave for Ukraine from the Toppila district heat repair shop on 13 April 2022. The packages will first travel to BRUGG Rohrsystem AG’s warehouse in Warsaw, Poland, from where they will be dispatched onwards to cities that have come under attack in Ukraine.

Suppliers and contains supplies who were part of aid packakge are: TOOLS Oulu, Magnum Tools and Bahco.


More information from:
Oulun Energia / Kimmo Alatulkkila
puh. +358406403441