We are building a weatherproof electricity network – several large-scale projects under way
Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy invests approximately 7–11 million euros in the electricity distribution network on an annual basis in order to ensure security of supply and safety. Investments are made from individual small connection works to large-scale new and replacement construction of high-voltage distribution network and substations.
Ground cabling and upgrading of pole transformers to rural and park transformers will reduce power outages caused by weather, birds, and small animals, and will protect the environment when any oil potentially leaking from a transformer failure is prevented from spilling onto the terrain. At the same time, we are replacing parts of the electricity network that have reached the end of their life or are otherwise weakened and contain old technology.
Several projects in progress in Oulu
In 2021, Yli-Ii introduced a centralised ground fault compensation system, which reduces short power outages caused by snow-covered trees, birds, and small animals, known as ground faults. This is reflected in improved electricity quality for customers.
In the renovation of the electricity network, the largest projects include Yli-Ii, Itä-Patela, and Määtänkangas in Madekoski. In addition, the electricity network is renewed in connection with excavation work by other operators, in cooperation with, for example, Oulun Vesi, street maintenance, and Oulun Energia's district heat.
Send feedback and questions to the right party to speed up processing
Excavation work and renovating the electricity network always cause some inconvenience to the residents of the area, due to power cuts and excavations. Planned power interruptions are always announced in advance, and you can check any outages in your area on the outage map. In sparsely populated areas, the contractor is responsible for the post-repair of excavation works. In zoned areas, the City of Oulu is always responsible for the post-repair work, and we recommend that you send your questions and feedback electronically to www.ouka.fi/palaute.
Residents in the area may feel that post-repairs are delayed. The reason for this is that the soil in the excavation area must be sufficiently compacted so that the repaired area will not need further repair within the next year. As a result, post-repairs may not be made immediately after the completion of the work.
A significant number of different partners, that is, contractors, are involved in the projects. In connection with the largest projects, worksite boards are installed, which show the contractor's contact details. Destia is the main implementer of the fault management and maintenance of Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy's distribution network.