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Oulun Energia’s change negotiations have ended

19.06.2024 / Last updated 00:00

Oulun Energia initiated change negotiations on 29 April 2024. The aim of the change negotiations was to examine possible measures to improve the capacity to respond to changes in the operating environment, reduce pressure to increase customer prices, and safeguard the companies’ abilities to compete. The change negotiations concerned the entire personnel of the Oulun Energia Group. In total, the change negotiations concerned approximately 260 employees and the long-term cost reduction goal was approximately 9 million euros.

During the change negotiations, savings were sought extensively throughout the Group. Cost reduction measures have been found in boosting our own operations and improving our productivity, developing operational flexibility, and optimising the organisation. As a result of the cost reduction measures, 25 employees have been laid off.

“The change negotiations have been conducted in a constructive atmosphere with our employees. We have found many good cost reduction measures as a result of the negotiations, which has reduced the number of layoffs from the initial estimate,” states Arto Sutinen, managing director at Oulun Energia.

The new strategy sets the course in a changed operating environment

Oulun Energia’s ongoing strategic work is in its final stages. The new strategy will respond to the challenges and opportunities of the changed operating environment in the energy and circular economy sectors.

“We will not wait passively, but will actively lead the change in the changed operating environment. The focus of the strategy is on seeking growth from the green transition. Sources of high growth are the growth of our current business operations and our expansion to industries where we can achieve synergies and a clear competitive advantage,” Sutinen continues.