District heating prices increase 1 January 2022
Energy prices have risen significantly nationwide due to increased energy production costs.
We are constantly working to ensure that district heating in Oulu will continue to be affordable, and therefore the energy fee for district heating will increase moderately by 4.49 per cent. No change will be made to the basic fee for district heating.
Increased energy production costs are affected by a doubling of the price of emission permits and an increase in the price of the fuels used. In Oulu, we continue to offer the most affordable district heat out of the large cities in Finland.
We are developing the production structure of district heat. The share of peat as fuel will decrease and be replaced by renewable and recycled fuels, as well as by utilising waste heat. Our investments in renewable energy and improving the efficiency of the energy system will ensure moderate price development and environmentally friendly and serviceable district heat in the future, as well.
Our goal is to achieve carbon neutrality in Oulun Energia's own energy production by 2035.
Effect of the price increase:
Detached house with an annual consumption of 18 MWh:
approx. €3.80/month, incl. VAT 24%
Apartment building (40 dwellings) with an annual consumption of 600 MWh:
approx. €3.17/month per dwelling, incl. VAT 24%
The reason for the change is section 14.2 of the current terms and conditions (Finnish Energy recommendation T1/2017):
Unless otherwise agreed in the individual heating contract, the heat seller has the right to change the prices, other terms and conditions of the contract, and pricing in accordance with a change in costs or cost structure, so that the pricing even after the change complies with the reasonable pricing requirement demanded by competition law.
The new price list is valid from 1 January 2022. The customer letter and the new price list have been sent via the postal service on 24 November 2021.