Oulun Energia in a nutshell
Oulun Energia is Finland's most energetic workplace, and we employ about 250 energy professionals. Our operations are based on energy production and heat and electricity network services. We are making the circular economy a significant pillar for Oulun Energia. We develop intelligent and energy-efficient energy solutions to benefit our customers. We are moving towards carbon-neutral energy production in 2030. Oulun Energia is responsible for people and the environment – It is important for us that future generations can be proud of the results of our work.
Oulun Energia was founded in 1889. In addition to the parent company Oulun Energia Oy, Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy, Turveruukki Oy, Huoltovoima Oy, Solarpower Paarmala Oy and Kiinteistö Oy Oulun Solistinkatu 4 belong to the Oulun Energia group. The City of Oulu fully owns the Group's parent company, Oulun Energia. The parent company owns all its subsidiaries.
Key figures
The Group's key figures for 2023
Net sales EUR 283,9 M
Operating profit EUR 61,3 M
Investments EUR 60,0 M
Group Management Team

Arto Sutinen
CEO | Oulun Energia Group

Jukka Salovaara
Business Director | Energy Services

Pirjo Kivari
CFO | Finance and Administration

Teemu Koskela
Managing Director | Syklo Oy

Anna Pasma
Managing Director | Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy

Tuomas Savola
Business Director | Customer Experience and Business Technologies

Pertti Vanhala
Business Director | Energy Production

Katja Virkkunen
Business Director | Culture and Brand
Oulun Energia’s Board

Mika Härkönen

Janne Heikkinen
Vice Chair

Paula Himanen

Marja Sarajärvi

Sirpa Tikkala

Mikko Viitanen

Jukka Weisell

Pekka Ylönen