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A grandmother and a child explore the spruce in a summer forest.
A grandmother and a grandchild explore the spruce in a summer forest.

Oulun Energia takes care of the environment

A significant share of Finland’s greenhouse gas emissions comes from the energy sector and therefore the energy sector plays a key role in tackling global environmental challenges.

Towards carbon neutrality

We at Oulun Energia aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. This means that our impact on global warming would be practically neutral. We will achieve carbon neutrality by following our path to carbon neutrality.

Promoting biodiversity

We created the first biodiversity roadmap for the Oulun Energia Group in early 2024. The purpose of Oulun Energia Group’s biodiversity roadmap is to describe the objective and concrete actions with which we are responding to preventing the deteriorating state of biodiversity.

Developing of circular economy

One of Oulun Energia’s priorities is the development of circular economy solutions. Our subsidiary Syklo Oy aims to increase the amount of recyclable waste we use, and new ways are being developed to achieve this. Syklo´s vision is to grow and expand nationally and internationally, creating sustainable values for our customers and society. Read more about Syklo. 

Key figures 2023

We have already achieved significant results thus far. The share of renewable energy has risen to 74% in 2023. Our carbon footprint has decreased by 52% in seven years and even the emissions specific to district heating have been almost halved in three years.

We produce district heat from a wide range of energy sources. In district heat production, we use, among other things, forestry side streams, non-recyclable waste and surplus heat. About 11% of our heating customers have chosen carbon-neutral district heating with a Guarantee of Origin.

In 2023, we created 64 hectares worth of new wetlands and we ash fertilised a record area of 1,000 hectares of land no longer used for peat production.


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